Sunday, May 25, 2008

What My 14 yr old di for her B-DAY...well part of it..

Yes my baby is 14 as previously discussed but now I have actual photo's of the spa day that her a a few friends participated in. After they got thier hair done they proceded to strut the runways at Paul Mitchel. Then paraded around town(yes they were chaparoned) to the Cocoa Bean (amazing gi-normous cupcakes and vasrious hot cocoa's and cold) , and yes 4 high school boys tried to pick up on them, luckily Nanette(Abby's mom) and I walked by and gave the eye.(International mothers code for dont even freekin think about it!!!) and they moved along!! But anyway they had way fun did the sleep over bit and pizza & hormones...good times. They are such a good group of girls (the evil one is not there) I couldnt help but love that weekend and them. And yes they also got funky make-up and nails....It truly was a girl-y day!!


Sherri said...

Abby looks like she wants to kill in the first pic. I love Kenya's hair!! Awesome!

Joel said...

Nanette has a kid named Abby? Where was Abby when we were up there last summer? Carrie, you're confusing the issue by throwing this unknown daughter into the mix. Why didn't you say Sidney's mom? Why did you say anything at all? As if we don't know who Nanette is.


Tard it is a different Nanette!!!!The Nan u and i and the rest of our peeps know, is lovingly refered to as Nan or Nu-Nuh.....Oh and also Nanney-poo which is only used in certain circumstances. Sherri I think Abb's was going for the sexy serious look, but u r so right. ;)

nan said...

They are definate Tards! But, I love them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENYA!

Leslie said...

do you all think that Carrie loves her daughter?


I say we girls go do this for a day!!!! Paul and Joel well maybe they could come too??? hhhmmm