Two Dogs..............................
Two lovely female foreign immigrants, newly arrived in the United States, noticed people lining up to buy food from a cart. "I've heard that people here eat dogs," said one of the women."Really?" said her friend, "But we're in America, so we should do as Americans do." They headed for the cart. "Two dogs, please," she said. The vendor handed her two hot dogs wrapped in foil. The young women excitedly headed for a bench and unwrapped their meal. The first to open the foil blushed and whispered to her friend, "What part did you get?"
I don't get it.
You're funny.
Sherri call me and I will explain... or ask James.
sherri isn't really that naive.
she is just pretending.
she wants to look like the sweet, young thing.
Dang you Leslie!
Yeah Ha Ha. Good try Sherri!
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