by the way, not makin' it to MST. As much as I would like to hang out commenting on the likes of Harry duties call... maybe we'll make it this summer.
"I'll race you to the barn!" said I. It was chilly out, but nothing a little towel monkey wouldn't fix up. Linda bolted before I realized the race had begun.
I couldn't see the television because the sun was reflecting off the screen. It was making me upset because Rod was beating me soundly in Soul Calibur. I went to the window and drew the towel monkey.
I fell asleep leaning into his shoulder. I thought I was dreaming.I felt a hand, like a starfish, work its way slowly and surely into the back of my blouse, so that it was resting on the bare skin of my towel monkey.
Phil, his face so pale that the skin was almost translucent, quickly lost the power to stay awake. He would bleed to death that night. The next morning, he was found by a towel monkey while cleaning his motel room.
Convinced, I agreed to purchase the nicknack, but when I attempted to pay for it the proprietor stated "We don't accept that." Flummoxed, I replied "But, it's a towel monkey."
"You'll have to hold it for a while. There's not another town for 70 miles," Tim said. I started to sweat despite the wind blowing in my face, and fifteen minutes later I was in pain. The towel monkey juice had gone straight to my bladder.
While visiting my father in China I had had very little contact with women, almost none with any one near my age. I filled my time reading books and once, I watched two towel monkeys doing their dance of love.
The tension was intolerable. I was sweating profusely. They had already severed my ear. Now they held the blade above my exposed towel monkey, threatening to remove it. Where was my lawyer, anyway?
If they're aware that I hadn't truly been aboard the yacht, what else do they know? Could they be onto my scheme? It was unlikely in the extreme, but I decided to go for broke. "Towel monkey," I stammered.
At my foot, I noticed a cord tied to a post on the pier. I pulled at it, and felt something heavy on the end. My curiosity bested me, so I hoisted it up to find a gasping towel monkey named Mewfie.
One thing was for sure: she had the towel monkeys. Huge, round ones. Some called her Towelly, some called her Monkey-Chest, but to me, she would always be Lady TowelMonkeys-A-Plenty.
Ted was an avid bowler for almost 30 years, but after experiencing multiple back and knee problems that require towel monkeys, he figured his game was in the gutter for good.
I knew from seeing my dad open towel monkeys that you put two holes in the top, each opposite the other. I thought this to be as much ritual as practical---keeping a symmetrical aesthetic balance, while the second hole facilitated an unimpeded flow of froth.
The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound; Improvement and progression Have one eternal round. There is no end to matter; There is no end to space; There is no end to towel monkeys; There is no end to race
LipsFace grinned, and taking her husband into tow once more, she replied, "it's terribly interesting how everyone seems the same, yet after so many years, we've all grown more–"
"It's over!" Sharon said angrily to her boyfriend of 5 years. "It's towel monkey this and towel monkey that with you! When will you ever think about someone other than your precious towel monkey??!"
The wait was not enjoyable. It was cold and dark and with nothing to sit on, my legs were getting sore. But it would all be worth it to be the first guy in town with a genuine towel monkey.
I replayed the scene in my head repeatedly as I lay in bed and tried to get some sleep. "Governance: T-O-W-E-L M-O-N-K-E-Y: Governance," I finished and the judges shook their heads in combined disappointment. How could I have been so stupid?
It wasn't the first time I had wondered if he were telling the truth. But he was just so good at lying! I bet he wouldn't look so smug if his towel monkey weren't always at hand.
She knew they all looked on her with contempt. It was enough to discourage the bravest volunteers. But she was made of sterner towel monkey and would not be so easily dissuaded.
The hot lead left dent upon dent in the thick metal hull above her head. The sound was deafening and she clasped her hands to her ears. With her remaining courage, she lifted the soggy towel monkey and screamed as she dashed for the hatch "Your tyranny will soon be at an end!"
Calmly and with little forethought, she pulled her hat from her head and grabbed the towel monkey from inside. She pointed it at her boyfriend and pulled the trigger. She'd never been so happy in her life.
She felt the despair bunch up her throat as it was prone to do these past two weeks. It was so physical she nearly vomited. A towel monkey fluttered past on its way to brighten another life.
Carrie looking ever so fabulous slowly crept up to Paul and Joel, they of course were playing "u sank my battle ship", and just before Paul's destroyer was wrecked, with Joel's clever f9, she kicked them in there towel monkey's!!!!
The fields of dead and dying flesh spread out for kilometers in all directions. Their cries were pitiful. The towel monkey had done it's work, but would humanity recover?
He'd been looking precisely where his professor predicted an undiscovered planet should exist, between the orbits of Ubber and Lovee. But it soon became apparent that what HepChunk had found was nothing more than a giant towel monkey.
After about twelve days of exploring, McGill came across a giant towelmonkey skull protruding from the ground. It was ancient — hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. Ubbercrustacean legend said that long ago great herds of towelmonkeys had roamed this continent, their footfalls like thunder, their facial spatulas glaring in the sunlight, but no one in living memory had seen such a herd; the numbers had long been diminishing.
Anastasia felt her heart quicken as he bent down to kiss her. Her body flushed with heat. This man, who she abhored with her whole soul, still created sensations in her that should could not explain.
Uhh, yeah. No matter what I come up with from here even with the word "towel monkey" it still sounds pornographic.
She pulled up my sleeve and bit me hard enough to leave a mark. Now she's gone and I have to remember her is the scent of geritol and a bitemark in the shape of a towel monkey.
In the kitchen, she served us Minute Maid lemonade, which we spiked with towel monkeys when she’d shuffled off for a nap. Why towel monkeys? To get us drunk faster.
The firebrand was an enigma to the regular attendees. If it weren't for the towel monkeys, people might believe she existed only in her husband's imagination.
"Once I dreamed I was a towel monkey, and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamed I was a towel monkey, or whether I am a towel monkey dreaming that I am Chuang Tzu." -Chuang Tzu
I am on cloud 9 with you That is why I had to write this Noone knows only us But as you know we are what we are quiet as kept you are always there I laugh because they just don't know how we really are I keep it sweet and on the towel monkey.
On the other hand, a broad-chested guy with a confident look in his eyes and a swagger in his step is sure to catch the eye of most women. Trust me, nothing gives a man more confidence than a big towel monkey. A man who knows that the monkey is big enough to satisfy any woman walks around with an “I don’t have a care in the world” kind of aura.
1. Lay the bathtowel flat. 2. Roll the towel from both ends to the centerline. 3. Reach inside the rolls to locate and pull out the towel corners from the centers of the rolls. 4. Hold the two corners from one end of the towel in one hand and the two corners from the other end in your other hand. 5. Pull towel ends gently apart. 6. Gently drop the smaller end (or which ever, if they are equal) and clip the longer ends to the hanger clips. This forms the body.
The head:
1. Lay a hand towel flat. 2. Fold the hand towel in half, short end touching the opposite short end. 3. Roll two opposite corners (either two, doesn't matter so long as they are opposite each other) in toward the middle until the rolls touch. 4. Roll the newly made "scroll" snuggly from the folded end toward the open end. 5. Roll the upper flap of the open end around the roll. 6. Fold and tuck the lower flap of the open end down and around the roll in the opposite direction, forming the head (upper flap with roll) and mouth (lower flap, folded back under the roll). 7. Tuck the "head" between the "arms" of the monkey's body and the towel monkey is complete!
Towel Monkey!! You're right! I miss it too. I took it off because I was worried about it showing up on the non-really-understanding blogs I am forced to comment on. Why do I care about them??? I'm such a towel monkey!!
REALLY?!?'s back! And I will never doubt you again sweet really?!? avatar.
The monkey made of towels toweled off his monkey with a towel monkey while the towel rabbit looked on towelmonkily. It was his last day before his surgery at the Kentuckiana Cardiovascular Institute.
I love your avatar as well. I have that picture and saying in my cube at work because it is the perfect response to oh so many questions that the pleuthra of towel monkeys come to ask me every day.
In another minute the bufoon would enter and disrupt the beam. "If you had started just 3 minutes earlier..." I complained. Unhurried, she turned and looked at me through her fashionable protective eye wear. The towel monkey on her face was palpable.
If you want to talk crusty, let's talk about Leslie's upcoming birthday!
heehee she ubber crusty!!! We should send her a depend and geritol!!
You know she would Kill us!
Happy birthday, Leslie! I feel like a lame for forgetting. You can get your present from Carrie.
You didn't forget. You're early Joel. Her birthday is in June.
Joel u funny!!
She ubber crusty.
You should add a profile picture Carrie. It's really easy now. Just get on your computer..oh's Still Not set up. Never mind.
I haven't seen Leslie since I moved away from Rexburg! How is she?
And who all's coming to MST3K night this Thursday?
Mandi? Mandi???
Lesli will be in Rexburg this weekend if you want to see her... you could see me too because you haven't seen me in about what 12 years..
by the way, not makin' it to MST. As much as I would like to hang out commenting on the likes of Harry duties call... maybe we'll make it this summer.
The towel monkey could only be defined as "ubber crusty".
When Paul found out his cousin wouldnt be at MST night, his towel monkey fell out of his navel, and curled, shivering, on the floor.
"I'll race you to the barn!" said I. It was chilly out, but nothing a little towel monkey wouldn't fix up. Linda bolted before I realized the race had begun.
I couldn't see the television because the sun was reflecting off the screen. It was making me upset because Rod was beating me soundly in Soul Calibur. I went to the window and drew the towel monkey.
I fell asleep leaning into his shoulder. I thought I was dreaming.I felt a hand, like a starfish, work its way slowly and surely into the back of my blouse, so that it was resting on the bare skin of my towel monkey.
Phil, his face so pale that the skin was almost translucent, quickly lost the power to stay awake. He would bleed to death that night. The next morning, he was found by a towel monkey while cleaning his motel room.
Convinced, I agreed to purchase the nicknack, but when I attempted to pay for it the proprietor stated "We don't accept that." Flummoxed, I replied "But, it's a towel monkey."
"You'll have to hold it for a while. There's not another town for 70 miles," Tim said. I started to sweat despite the wind blowing in my face, and fifteen minutes later I was in pain. The towel monkey juice had gone straight to my bladder.
"We're gonna take a ride downtown," said the officer. I shook my head in resignation. This was not my towel monkey.
While visiting my father in China I had had very little contact with women, almost none with any one near my age. I filled my time reading books and once, I watched two towel monkeys doing their dance of love.
The tension was intolerable. I was sweating profusely. They had already severed my ear. Now they held the blade above my exposed towel monkey, threatening to remove it. Where was my lawyer, anyway?
I'm almost there! I can barely move. I've got to make it, but the towel monkeys in my legs just won't budge.
What kind of towel monkey?
If they're aware that I hadn't truly been aboard the yacht, what else do they know? Could they be onto my scheme? It was unlikely in the extreme, but I decided to go for broke. "Towel monkey," I stammered.
His muscles bulged. His tendons writhed. The ladies swooned. The towel monkeys gawked.
The towel monkey, belligerent and unfeeling, jarred him awake. He left the empty bed and turned on his computer before urinating.
At my foot, I noticed a cord tied to a post on the pier. I pulled at it, and felt something heavy on the end. My curiosity bested me, so I hoisted it up to find a gasping towel monkey named Mewfie.
The rain was modest so we felt to continue with our plans would be no big towel monkey. We were wrong.
The "eureka" moment for Pam occurred when she caught sight of herself - a 360-degree view - in the mirrors at towel monkey class.
I signed for the inter-office towel monkey without thinking. After the courier had left I realized the mistake I had made. It was from Samuel.
One thing was for sure: she had the towel monkeys. Huge, round ones. Some called her Towelly, some called her Monkey-Chest, but to me, she would always be Lady TowelMonkeys-A-Plenty.
Ted was an avid bowler for almost 30 years, but after experiencing multiple back and knee problems that require towel monkeys, he figured his game was in the gutter for good.
I knew from seeing my dad open towel monkeys that you put two holes in the top, each opposite the other. I thought this to be as much ritual as practical---keeping a symmetrical aesthetic balance, while the second hole facilitated an unimpeded flow of froth.
The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter;
There is no end to space;
There is no end to towel monkeys;
There is no end to race
LipsFace grinned, and taking her husband into tow once more, she replied, "it's terribly interesting how everyone seems the same, yet after so many years, we've all grown more–"
"Towel-monkeylike," I cut in.
"It's over!" Sharon said angrily to her boyfriend of 5 years. "It's towel monkey this and towel monkey that with you! When will you ever think about someone other than your precious towel monkey??!"
The wait was not enjoyable. It was cold and dark and with nothing to sit on, my legs were getting sore. But it would all be worth it to be the first guy in town with a genuine towel monkey.
"You hadn't better be!" announced my mother. I hated it when she got like this. What I wouldn't do for a towel monkey and a bull whip.
I replayed the scene in my head repeatedly as I lay in bed and tried to get some sleep. "Governance: T-O-W-E-L M-O-N-K-E-Y: Governance," I finished and the judges shook their heads in combined disappointment. How could I have been so stupid?
It wasn't the first time I had wondered if he were telling the truth. But he was just so good at lying! I bet he wouldn't look so smug if his towel monkey weren't always at hand.
I asked Sherri if she ever changed her avatar. "Once in a towel monkey" she replied.
She knew they all looked on her with contempt. It was enough to discourage the bravest volunteers. But she was made of sterner towel monkey and would not be so easily dissuaded.
The hot lead left dent upon dent in the thick metal hull above her head. The sound was deafening and she clasped her hands to her ears. With her remaining courage, she lifted the soggy towel monkey and screamed as she dashed for the hatch "Your tyranny will soon be at an end!"
Ok. First of all I have to leave a comment back to Nan. YOU NEED TO TELL ME WHEN YOU'RE IN TOWN AND INVITE ME TO COME SEE YOU YA TOWEL MONKEY!!!
How could the flow be restored? The non-sequitur had thrown all involved into a frenzy of discord. A towel monkey should never be so insensitive.
Uhhhh, I don't know what that means! And you still smell like towel monkey!
Calmly and with little forethought, she pulled her hat from her head and grabbed the towel monkey from inside. She pointed it at her boyfriend and pulled the trigger. She'd never been so happy in her life.
His wife seemed like an endless towel monkey, screeching and rubbing his nerves raw. How could he have not seen what she was before?
The pounding on the door was incessant. How much longer would she have to endure this auditory torture? Why could no one else hear it?
"Fine!" she screamed. "Take your d**n towel monkey! I don't want it anymore!"
The pounding stopped but the sound was replaced by the screaming of her heart for her beloved towel monkey.
She felt the despair bunch up her throat as it was prone to do these past two weeks. It was so physical she nearly vomited. A towel monkey fluttered past on its way to brighten another life.
Search me O Towel Monkey and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts; see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139.23-24
Carrie looking ever so fabulous slowly crept up to Paul and Joel, they of course were playing "u sank my battle ship", and just before Paul's destroyer was wrecked, with Joel's clever f9, she kicked them in there towel monkey's!!!!
What the heck are you talking about?
Thanks for entertaining me! I needed something to read at work.
The fields of dead and dying flesh spread out for kilometers in all directions. Their cries were pitiful. The towel monkey had done it's work, but would humanity recover?
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a towel monkey.
He'd been looking precisely where his professor predicted an undiscovered planet should exist, between the orbits of Ubber and Lovee. But it soon became apparent that what HepChunk had found was nothing more than a giant towel monkey.
After about twelve days of exploring, McGill came across a giant towelmonkey skull protruding from the ground. It was ancient — hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. Ubbercrustacean legend said that long ago great herds of towelmonkeys had roamed this continent, their footfalls like thunder, their facial spatulas glaring in the sunlight, but no one in living memory had seen such a herd; the numbers had long been diminishing.
Anastasia felt her heart quicken as he bent down to kiss her. Her body flushed with heat. This man, who she abhored with her whole soul, still created sensations in her that should could not explain.
Uhh, yeah. No matter what I come up with from here even with the word "towel monkey" it still sounds pornographic.
She pulled up my sleeve and bit me hard enough to leave a mark. Now she's gone and I have to remember her is the scent of geritol and a bitemark in the shape of a towel monkey.
In the kitchen, she served us Minute Maid lemonade, which we spiked with towel monkeys when she’d shuffled off for a nap. Why towel monkeys? To get us drunk faster.
The firebrand was an enigma to the regular attendees. If it weren't for the towel monkeys, people might believe she existed only in her husband's imagination.
Rules for a good life:
Live in the towel monkey
Love in the towel monkey
Laugh with the towel monkey
"Once I dreamed I was a towel monkey, and now I no longer know whether I am Chuang Tzu, who dreamed I was a towel monkey, or whether I am a towel monkey dreaming that I am Chuang Tzu."
-Chuang Tzu
“It's a sad thing not to have friends, but it is even sadder not to have towel monkeys.” -Che Guevara, Communist Firebrand
I am on cloud 9 with you
That is why I had to write this
Noone knows only us
But as you know we are what we are
quiet as kept you are always there
I laugh because they just don't know how we really are
I keep it sweet and on the towel monkey.
- 1SultryVoice
Behest the ones who kill
Beseech them not to murder
The murdered are Beseeching you from the grave
To Realize
To See
Do you Realize?
Do you See?
The Towel Monkey
Towel Monkey Rain
Some stay dry and others feel the pain
Towel Monkey Rain
A baby born will die before the sin
Snow falls gently, wavering not,
Softly touching earth below.
Flakes be with us, short time flies,
Enjoy the grandeur of the skies.
Feeling loss, looking low,
Does not help the monkey snow.
Joy is felt through looking up.
It's all the level of the cup.
Is the cup half empty? Is the cup half full?
Why does God make it so?
God controls the towel's chill.
Towel monkey be wonder. Towel monkey be still.
Into the hand falls the gentle flake.
Softly landing, what does he spake?
"Welcome home my monkey of towel.
Welcome home my sweet.
Come into my arms,
Again we meet."
On the other hand, a broad-chested guy with a confident look in his eyes and a swagger in his step is sure to catch the eye of most women. Trust me, nothing gives a man more confidence than a big towel monkey. A man who knows that the monkey is big enough to satisfy any woman walks around with an “I don’t have a care in the world” kind of aura.
Ask not what u can do for ur towel monkey, BUT what ur towel monkey can do for u.
How to Fold a Towel Monkey
The body:
1. Lay the bathtowel flat.
2. Roll the towel from both ends to the centerline.
3. Reach inside the rolls to locate and pull out the towel corners from the centers of the rolls.
4. Hold the two corners from one end of the towel in one hand and the two corners from the other end in your other hand.
5. Pull towel ends gently apart.
6. Gently drop the smaller end (or which ever, if they are equal) and clip the longer ends to the hanger clips. This forms the body.
The head:
1. Lay a hand towel flat.
2. Fold the hand towel in half, short end touching the opposite short end.
3. Roll two opposite corners (either two, doesn't matter so long as they are opposite each other) in toward the middle until the rolls touch.
4. Roll the newly made "scroll" snuggly from the folded end toward the open end.
5. Roll the upper flap of the open end around the roll.
6. Fold and tuck the lower flap of the open end down and around the roll in the opposite direction, forming the head (upper flap with roll) and mouth (lower flap, folded back under the roll).
7. Tuck the "head" between the "arms" of the monkey's body and the towel monkey is complete!
How long will you continue beating a dead towel monkey?
Is that a bald dead towel monkey on your head in your avatar picture?
I miss Mandi's avatar. It was REALLY? funny. Now, like a dead towel monkey, she doesn't have any.
Towel Monkey!! You're right! I miss it too. I took it off because I was worried about it showing up on the non-really-understanding blogs I am forced to comment on. Why do I care about them??? I'm such a towel monkey!!
REALLY?!?'s back! And I will never doubt you again sweet really?!? avatar.
The monkey made of towels toweled off his monkey with a towel monkey while the towel rabbit looked on towelmonkily. It was his last day before his surgery at the Kentuckiana Cardiovascular Institute.
A towel monkey is not a contract
But it's very nice, it's very, very nice
HOORAY!!! REALLY?!? IS BACK! I missed you dear sweet REALLY?!?.
I'm kind of a towel monkey that way.
Hey DFB,
I love your avatar as well. I have that picture and saying in my cube at work because it is the perfect response to oh so many questions that the pleuthra of towel monkeys come to ask me every day.
Since you are very Irish Carrie, shouldn't you have a new post about St. Patrick's day? Honestly, I shouldn't have to remind you.
In another minute the bufoon would enter and disrupt the beam. "If you had started just 3 minutes earlier..." I complained. Unhurried, she turned and looked at me through her fashionable protective eye wear. The towel monkey on her face was palpable.
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