OK so I love people magazine simply for the updates on who is dateing who, who should not wear that, who got pregnant with who's baby and it was probably Eddie Murphy's since the man could have his own children baseball team.!! So I come across this picture and I know her and her sister have had some eating disorders but, I think it is fair to say that when it looks like ur head is bigger then your body or simply on backwards, then it is time for intervention. Any thoughts on this pic? Or is it just me thinking she has no neck bones and can therefore turn her head all the way to the back??? Luckily her bit o side boob tells me this is the front!!This is Ashley Olsen, "who does not have an eating disorder!!!!mmmhhhhmmm, it's her sister Mary Kate that does.................................................Anyway she looks a bit creepy and if I were raiding my fridge at midnight and saw her in the kitchen I would pee myself, kick in her in the crotch while screaming, pass out then pee again.....
I totally agree. I thought her head was on backwards too. I was noticing them on a magazine cover yesterday side by side, staring their freakish stare and thinking how alien-ish they look.
Funny, she thought that was a Good pose? You need to get a handle on your peeing Carrie.
Are u kidding I love laughing that hard!!
I enjoy that she has placed tissues within the steep neckline of her dress. That way if she sneezes...
too fat
What is up with the tissue? Seriously, what is that?
It's boob tape, it keeps dress in place but she is so freekin skinny it is not touching dress.
got ya, boob tape is usually for boobs.
I want to start another conversation other than how skinny some abnormal celebrity is.
I want to start a conversation on what the stupidest thing is that each of us owns and why we still have it.
With that said, I can't think of anything yet for myself. I'll have to get back to you.
That a great topic Sasha! I'm thinking...
Does my husband count???
Do you really ever own a person?
no- but it sure feels like they can own ya.....bastages!!
I own a picture of Paul's face on a sexy holiday-clad female body. I still have it because it says Labufadora on the back.
I still have dance picture of Joel and I. We both hate the picture and we both still have one.
I changed my mind. I think the stupidest thing I own is a demonstrable lack of a pize that Carrie was supposed to send me for guessing the answer to her pop quiz a few posts back. The reason I still have this is because Carrie won't send me the pize.
What I have is the Über (note spelling)lack of examples of stupid things that I still own which actually negates itself and then strangely enough makes itself come back into being.
Über (note spelling)
I have the sense-making of Sasha's last comment.
Joel, send me a pize and see how good that will make you feel. Remember how it's better to give?
ok that is it i hate our freekin hate our mail system!!!AAAAAAA... prize substitute is being mailed out NOW!!! and so help me if ya dont get it i will drive down there and deliver it myself, However I will not be wearing the mailmen outfit as he is laid up from a poundin!!!!
well, Paul's going on his cruise today.
Have fun on your cruise, you two. I'm expecting a package in the mail from Carrie today. Tums Smoothies are tasty. Where's my hat?
what hat? The boys don't have school today, i keep thinking it's saturday. It's finally sunny outside.
Damion is sore from lifting weights. I laugh in his face. He hates it.
Where's Mandi when you need her!
Let's go to lunch on Monday!
I would love to go to lunch! Let's go to Chipotle! Have you ever been there? Best food EVAH!
I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. The closest one is in SLC though. You gonna be in the area? :o)
We should make the elusive Mandi come with us. What do you say Mandi (who probably won't respond since she's in Mexico or something. - LUCKY!)
They get back from their cruise today!I hope they had fun!
bunch o jez's for going without us! I wonder if they got some sun??
You mean to tell me we have to go to SLC to eat at Chipotle! Forget it! Isn't there one in Orem?
No, the closest one is in SLC. It stinks.
Things I like about trying to access this blog from work:
1. Its a crap shoot as to whether you can bring up the comments.
2. Its almost a given that you won't be able to add comments.
Pleasure beyond words.
We're only at 32 comments for this blog. A little on the low side isn't it?
I'm not generally one of the big contributors though so I'm not pointing fingers.
We need to make plans to eat at Chipotle. Didn't you want to eat there Joel? Sasha, I will be at the next mst!
Hooray! However, Chipotle's is in the opposite direction of Joel's house and I don't get off work until at least 5pm.
Oh well, we can eat elsewhere. Friday, lunch.
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