"C'est magnifique"---"Bon Anniversae"----"HAPPY FREAKIN B-DAY"
Ok If anyone feels like wishing Mr Paul a mooey happy birthday please feel free to do so. I realize this is a tich early, but I will not be on tomorrow, so ya get it today!! I hope you get lots of fun presents, yummie's and a few laughs... And maybe an amazon women quartet singing for you....xoxoxo
I have blood in my stool. SO I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I havent been to the doctor in 15 years.
Im not too worried, cause it's bright red, adn that's less troublesome, I heard.
what if for the rest of my life every month i menstruate from my bumbum? That would be neat.
we should place bets on what it is.
Have ya been having some stress?
Constipated prior to this? =)
What a great birthday gift to give yourself. A visit to the butt doctor.
Hopefully he'll go heavy on the lube. A birthday wish for you, my love.
Ah, now that's true love.
Have you eaten any beets lately? That may be your problem.
I enjoy mental images containing Paul and bloody stool. Good luck at the doctor. Bring me a souvenir.
Jurassic Park
Is that the next MST movie?
Only if Carrie is coming. She seems to be the Weird Al fan.
Well, i'm not taking Carrie with me. Who will she go with? Nan? how about you?
LIke I am riding with Sherri!!!! Jezz=)
Joel the Wierd Al moment was only reflected in your very exubernat voices!!
p.s. pize in mail!!
I'm not going.
How is your menstrual cycle Paul?
Fine don't go. Be that way! I heard that Paul doesn't have ass cancer! yippee
Hooray! Pize in mail! I can't wait to see what it is. Stay tuned folks. I'll fill you in when it arrives.
So what's new? I'm bored. Damion got Student of the Week!
Congrats Damion!! But that didn't really spark a very interesting conversation. Sorry.
Can't wait to hear what the pize is!!
I'm feeling very dull. I can't seem to spark anything.
Try talking about an Amazon women quartet. That's what Carrie did and it's already netted 26 comments!
Yes, i can see that's what we've been talking about all along.
Paul I am so relieved....your azzz is free of being removed!!
Carrie, How did you daughter's dance performance go? Did all your wildest dreams come true? I hope it was wonderful for her and you both. Enjoy your new temple.
What kind of dance performance? What kind of Amazon women, and what kind of pize?
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