Holy poopers only 23 days til CHRIATMAS EVE!!!!!!!!(Cuz I so DonT CounT ThAt DaY-It's AlrEaDy ThEre) We have no snow.... :( I is berry sad!! BRING IT ON!!! THANKSGIVING WAS AWESOME. We went up to Twin Falls, and visited Corina and fam, shopped, ate, watched movies, ate, watched fireworks to Christmas music(way Pretty) ate some more and I have to say Martha Stewart Potatoes are now my fav!!!! I could bathe in them!!! OK oK Ok well at least be barried in them!! Yes they are fattening and yes I am hitting the treadmill tonight!! I am sure I will loose my uterus on that thing, but it is for a good cause!! I hope you all had an ubber fabulouso time!! I am pretty sure Paul and Mandi have an interesting story or 2!! Dying to hear. xoxo much love!!
have you done any Christmas shopping yet?
here is a link you will enjoy. Christmas wallpapers
It snowed yesterday.
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