JUST 48 DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS EVE................(NOT COUNTING CHRISTMAS EVE-CUZ THATS AWESOME!!) Yes it snowed this a.m.. Yes there are tards all over Rexburg who think there driving is most awesome!! Yes I actually updated. Kenya is done with track. And the ballroom season is upon us. She gets to do OPEN in Utah in November!!! OPEN=Individuals couples compete against each other in fancy fancy outfits and fancy hair. The routines are way more intricat. Pics will come later. Have y'all started shopping yet? Did any of you watch HOT ROD yet???? U will get many out loud giggles. xoxo
saw Hot Rod long ago.
it is pretty funny.
and you know that I have already started my shopping.
in fact, I am probably about half done.
my word verification is FROCKI.
that is almost a word.
I think it could really mean something.
We had a college friend named Hot Rod. Do you guys remember him?
REGENCOC, pretty certain that's Not a word. At least, not a good word.
OMG I totally remember Hot Rod from school.....hahaha....Yah my verification word is flant I think Paul does that alot?? heehee
Hot Rod was such a perv and short.
actually, I think that we called him iron rod.
I really can't remember why though.
my new word is SESSEC.
what are these words trying to tell me?
You're right Les, it was Iron Rod. I think he went to Michele's birthday party. We all went to her house to get in the hot tub. I think he got in naked! Now I remember why he was called Iron Rod.
Hot Rod made me want to go out and punch-dance.
Is that a new dance?
or does it mean you want to punch somebody?
now my word verification is LAZLE.
Is that supposed to be a mix of LAZY and LESLIE?
That is now your new nick name, Lazle!
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