K so I sent out a forward to my peeps titled SEXY TERRORIST, wich most of you got, except Sherri and Joel, cuz they are tards and block that stuff(hello I only send good quality chuckle stuff!!)anywho...with Nan's sheer genius(comp know how) she even made the sexy terrorist even more sexy!!heehee So kick back as ur eyes glaze over the smooth waxed legs, the boldness of the shoes, and the flow of the fabric. And then gaze even more so deeply into the eyes of whoever could it be??? And who knew he had so much fashion sense....xoxo 

I always thought that white was much to clean for him, who knew it was just his color?
Even without the shoes, there is something so wrong about him.
Did you mean a hot BANshee?
Girls end nowhere under all those victories.
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