O how I love this time of year, and I can even proudly say I love the busyness, and the cozyness. And by the way is it wrong that I have been watching Christmas specials, with my daughter nearly every night when we r done from our day of work, school, dance, & shopping. I love stores acknowledging CHRISTMAS, with decorating, music and excitement. I would most definently lovey SNOW!!!!!! And of course I love how friends from my past have bit me on the bahookey and are back in my life. I send u all mooey kisses and hugs. And box's o misteltoe are on the way!!! xoxoxox
17 days
What should we do in Salt Lake this Friday?
We should go to a Mexican restaurant, but not too authentic. Someplace like Taco Bell or Taco Time would be nice. Ha!
Whatever. I just got back from Mexico. Ha!
Then you know why I said "not too authentic."
You are always so thoughtful Joel. How do you do it?
How can I put it into words, Sherri? I will say this, however: epoch (geological).
Did you know that Epoch is also the award-winning literary magazine of Cornell University?
That's useful to know. I think we should find a frozen yogurt place for old time's sake. Sherri, Doesn't your relative own a Golden Spoon or something?
Oh let's do froze yog for sure. My Aunt used to manage the Golden Spoon in Crossroads Plaza. She was awesome. Remember when she gave us all free yogurt? But she's not there anymore. She is now living in Las Vegas with her new husband. He's Jewish. Her youngest daughter just had twin boys. They were premature but they are doing much better now.
I'm glad to hear of the wellbeing of "Auntie Golden Spooner"'s (as I like to call her) grandchildren.
There is a TCBY in SLC. Hmm, maybe they are not there anymore. I looked on the TCBY website and it listed one in the airport only. What has this world come to?
I know it's just not the same as frozen yogurt, but maybe we could give gelato a try. I had it when I was in Los Angeles last year. It's really good.Any takers?
I'm gonna stay away from frozen confections with the syllable "toe" in them.
Ok Dan, it's 'to' not 'toe'.
I was going for a phonetic style. "to" does not have the same implications as "toe" - why do i even bother explaining myself?
That includes Oriental food. Yuck!
one time my bro wrote a poem about me
Pauls a toe
hes a toe
hes a toe that goes
it goes doot
toe goes doot
pauls toe goe doot doe.
I vote for zebra smirking.
No oriental food? Are you serious? Do you only eat Mexican food?
Yeah, I really don't like oriental food. If that's what everyone wants to do, then I'll cave.
I vote Rodizio Grill. That's good shtick. Or Mexican or Italian. But not Olive Garden. And not some place called Gallo Giro. That place is "authentic" mexican meaning ultra cheap and nasty ingredients that induce diarrhea and potential parasites. I think they import their water from the streams Sherri waded on her vacation.
How about Macaroni Grill?
Oh, come on! I'm coming up with tons of good ideas here. Where's the feedback?
What time are we meeting? I think this is Nanette's area of expertise since she's the one with the wedding thing. Is 3:00 pm too early?
Nan, are you still busy until 5pm?
not macaroni grill.
rodizios is some good schtick/
te worlds biggest taco time in the world is on state street. We should go there. and eat
or maybe fat cats because they have a costa on site and we can bowl as we eat such.
hey jsh, you should come to my work in east bay and leave your car and ill tkae you. i work kind of by novell so tat would work right?
Ok,Rodizio it is!!!!!!!
Wow! you have had a lot of cold medicine Paul!
Pabs, I could do that, but then you would have to drive all the way back to east bay to drop me off at my car. there is a park and ride at the freeway entrance on 1200 north by Home Depot (the park and ride is by the Lexus dealership). If I met you there then you wouldn't have to drive back so far. But I would expect you to be punctual. Or maybe we meet at your place of employ, drive twice cars to the park and ride, then merge for the duration of the remainder (3).
Well, that works for me. Carrie what time should I pick you up?
What the lamquen is zebra smirking? And why does Mandi get to vote? JJJ. OYN!!
I thought I was coming! Don't worry I'll provide the smirking. OYN JSH
I guess Mandi is upset with me. She has blocked me. :( What other explanation can there be for me not seeing her online?
hmm, she isn't blocking me.
Lest you all pester me with your incessant cries of "I don't know what those acronyms stand for! Boo-hoo!" here is a dictionary for those interested in playing along with the evolution of IM talk as instigated by Mandi:
GHB: Guffaw Heartily de mi Bizcocho. This is to be used in place of LOL. De mi Bizcocho is Spanish for "of my cake" as you may have inferred from the context.
JJJ: Just Joshin' JSH. If you are talking to me and your previous statement was intended as a joke but you fear that I may not have understood it in those terms, the simple use of this acronym will clear up any potential misunderstanding.
OYN: Oh, yih nah! This is short for "Oh, you are not cool" and has it's roots in the earliest days of the history of communication between Paul and Joel. DO NOT use this acronym unwittingly.
OYSN: Oh, yih SO nah! This is an even more forceful use of the previous acronym. Feel free to use this unwittingly.
I block all of you ALL THE TIME and I'm not even sorry!!
and everyone else.
ok, I talked to Nan. She will be done with work by 1pm. So anytime you guys can get to SLC the fun can begin. Nan lost everyones phone numbers when her cell broke. So she can't call anyone. Maybe give her a call to say "Hey" so she can log your phone numbers again. I'm leaving for work.
ur killin me smalls!!! oh I remember the yogurt....heehee
You keep out of this, Carrie. This has nothing to do with you.
Carrie, stop it. We're trying to talk about something. DOnt bug.
You knwo what else really bugs? An ad in teh Entertainment Weekly to vote online for your favorite TV icon of all time. It has the Fonz, Archie Bunker, Lucille Ball, Buffy, others, and Marty McFly from Back to the Future. YOU KNOW?!? That TV show? OK all right I can see that Michael J Fox was kinda popular as Alex P Keaton, But this was a picture of his BTTF character(in his orange vest and everything). ScrapeNILL! If you cant trust EW to get it right, where can you turn?
So Paul and I are going to leave here around 3:00 if I am able to get off work that early. I will meet Paul at his location of employ. Where exactly is that, Pabs? Then we'll all 4 meet together at Rutherford's Corner. Trust me.
del Jambo!
HA HA HA HA HA! Photo DSC01697.jpg captured the fellow bowling next to us who was bothered by our antics at the bowling alley PICKING HIS NOSE! TAKE THAT IRRITATED GUY!
Good eye Joel!
I had so much fun with you guys last night. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! I know I've said it before, but I'm so glad we are all in touch again! I LOVE YOU!!
There will be no not my finger in Sherri's ear while driving.
Carrie, you need to blog again so we've got a clean slate for our message board. This one is getting pretty full.
No fingers, whatsoever! Carrie, honestly, can you update? It's a pain to scroll down so far.
It's been a long time since I posted here, but it seems not to matter since there's so little left to say. I will say this though: What an awesome night Dec 14 was! Bowling, Eating, Playing, Beveraging. The whole shebang!
It's been almost a year since that night in SLC?!? Holy smokes, time flies! You want to know how I ended up back on this thread? I was looking for images of "lamquen" on Google and the 3rd page had 3 images from Carries blog leading me to this page. Unbelievadable! By bizcocholante, that's astounding.
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