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Merry Christmas to you all as well. We have had a ton of snow so far. It's awesome! Was Santa good to everyone?
Santa was mooey in love with me!!!!, I am so flippin happy we finaly got snow!!!
And now it's raining. What the???
Does anyone else like the Cheddar Jalapeno crunchy Cheetos? I love those things! I'm not talking about the HOT cheetos, i'm talking about jalapenos. Ok, look, so you don't get confused, Here is a picture of what i'm talking about. Do you believe me now that i'm not talking about Flamin' Hot cheetos? Why do you people do this to me?
I hate to say this, but I'm not much of a Cheetos kind of girl. Whether it be Flamin Hot or Jalapeno. But if you want to talk about Doritos, then let me know! Except, I'm trying to cut back on those types of food now. So really, I have nothing to say.
I expected as much from you Sherri. Doritos. Pshaw! Lets get down to brass tacks and talk about the REAL issue here which is eggnog. Like or not? I like.
I like if it's the Light eggnog. Otherwise it's a bit too thick for me. But eggnog is now out of season. So let's move onto sweet pickles. Like or dislike? I like A LOT.
Don't change the subject. Sweet pickles are out of SUBJECT. Back to eggnog. Who else likes it? Sherri, just add some regular milk to it if you don't like it so thick.
You can buy it already thinned. Like I said before. "Light Eggnog" I will change the subject if I like.Eggnog is so last month. You are not in control of this blog anyway. Carrie is. We need a mediator.
Let me step in. Cheetos = good. Doritos = good. Eggnog = good in very small amounts. Pickles = good in very small amounts.
Now can we please move on to Harmon's salsa? The serrano spicy is muy delicioso! Try it, and then tell me what say ye?
Thank you Mandi. We don't have a Harmons here, sooo it may be awhile before I can get back to you on the salsa. I do love most fresh made salsa though. Is it fresh?
Do they even have Harmon's outside of 800 north in Orem? I believe not. That is some highly inaccessible salsa. I do like dill pickles very much, but not sweet. Uh-uh. No way. But sweet relish is good on hot dogs. Mandi, please describe the savor of the salsa and I will tell you if I like what I hear.
Oh my goodness. It is fresh and has a mouthwateringly homemade taste. I really think you'd like it. But tell me, what about the Harmon's mint brownies? Huh? With all that yummy green frosting? Seriously, what do you think?
That's not very nice to be taunting us like that. Honestly. Don't pick on the unfortunate.
I'm coming over to your place to have some of these Harmon brand tasties. You'd better have plenty of them on hand.
i like doritos. and salsa. but not japalenos. and i like sweet pickles. Eggnog's good. I like artichokes with miracle whip. That's mooey good.
onetime i was at harmons adn they were having an anniversary bash and the song was on the loudspeaker "its the grocer in your neighborhood...Harmons" and like I always I sang it loudly and i walked by one of the owners and he said something about my singing. I dont remember what. Maybe I should remember the climax of stories if I'm going to tell them. They stole that song from sesame street.
If you're coming that far, you might as well take the extra minute it will take to head over to Harmon's and BUY YOUR OWN. Oh, and could you pick me up some too? That sounds mighty tasty.
hey, mandi. where's my passport? I say that not as someone who has lost it, but with more of an accusing tone. What did you do with it? Cause I need it for Mexico.
Seriously, Mandi. And where the crap is MY passport too!? Why do you try to hide people's passports from them so much?
Which MLM schemes have you fallen for? Anne and I signed up with a phone card MLM back in the mid 90's. We were supposed to try to sell phone cards to people. No one wanted any. I don't know why. Fortunately we learned our lesson. That was the end of our MLM days. Is anyone still actively engaged in an MLM? If so, I insist on knowing about it so I can mock you.
I've stolen all your passports and I'm hightailing it to Mexico. Why do you have to have a problem with that?
You guys are jerks.
What's a passport?
Mandi, don't. Really. I need my passport. Please don't go through with your plan.
When are you guys going to Mexico?
Feb. 29
I now regret that comment and apologize to all.
I was involved in a Mandi Love Making scheme for a while. I wasn't treated with respect by anyone after that! But I got some lapel pins out of it.
I'm guessing you already got your airline tickets. Paul never said anything else about it to me.
Comment forgotten, except for Paul bringing it up again.
Mandi, I'm telling my mom on you. Perhaps you will receive a letter from her in the near future admonishing you on correct behavior.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NO DELORA LETTERS!!! I'll be good from now on.
Sherri, I keep telling Paul to ask you about tickets! What a laip he is! Would you mind finding out for us? Thanks!
Oh good. Carrie has provided a clean slate for our next conversation!
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