Ok so there is a photographer who is pretty amazing in Rexburg w/ different kinda pics (Abugayle Smith), and editorial stuff, and she has used Kenya a few times, of course she loves it she is 16!! so I thought I would share a few :) more to come.. This is not to take away from Nan's amazingness either ;)!! When we get the rest I will post them, the ones with the green eyeshadow was her very first, and yes I cried ;)
BEAUTIFUL! we miss you guys!
I know a photographer you should totally go to and her name is Nanette.
So, I've been thinking, doesn't it seem like more and more people are following the trend I started of liking candy a lot? It seems like everywhere I go I'll see someone eating a candy bar or read about people saying good things about candy. It makes me a little bit upset, since I was first then all these train-jumpers come along.
I was at the theater watching a movie on Friday and I pulled out a ziploc bag of peanuts n gummy worms and I looked around and saw other people had candy too! I just about had enough a that!
I didnt finish the nuts.
I don't blame you. I wouldn't finish them either. There's some chance I would have gone to the front of the theater and given those remoras what for. Ask Mandi, if you don't follow the remora remark. Never mind, I'll explain it. Remoras are these little sucker fish that follow sharks around wherever they go and feed off the scraps left by the sharks. Paul, you and I are the sharks. I thought I saw a remora in the Orem canal once. If it was really a remora, then I don't blame it.
I read somewhere that sharks don't feel remoras, which is a vital part of the repentance process.
Once I stole $20 out of Dave's drawer (I needed book ordering money) and I went to school and looked at the scholastic book catalog thing and realized I could buy a ton of books for $20 so I did and when they came my mom chewed me out and made me feel bad for stealing from Dave, and Dave made me feel even worse by hitting me.
One of the books I got was The Fox and the Hound, so everytime I hear about that movie or see that book I am reminded of clutching it to my chest as Dave's blows rained mercilessly down upon me.
My mom yelled at me while we were driving in a vw van, I remember.
$20 will also buy a lot of Bahama Mama Slushies from Circle K. You probably weren't considering it at the time, but I bet if you did, you'd have a lot more memories of brain freeze than of Fox and the Hound. Those tiny frozen discs of flavor... ah, good times.
If I were forced to choose between Pina Colada Slurpee and Bahama Mama Slushie, it would be like a paradox. I want the Pina Colada more than the Bahama Mama, but I want the Bahama Mama more than the Pina Colada. Do you understand my dilemma?
I used to see a lot more Circle Ks than I currently do. I wonder if they're going out of business.
Nope there's still one in Orem. 1200 West.
There used to be a seven eleven on the corner of 400 south and state. Now it's an insurance place. I don't like insurance unless I need it. My brother Bruce is not an insurance agent, but he does work at Nationwide as an actuary.
Actuaries need to like math, because they figure out likelihoods, like the likeliness of a hood being liked that you pick out at Target. Of course, the hood is attached to a shirt. That's why they call it a hoody.
How many hoodys do I own, you ask? Not really relevant, but OK, let me think:
1) The Browning one (blue)
2) The Orem High Band one that I designed for my neighbor (blue)
3) a LogoWorks one (blue)
4) a grey, really light one for if it's a LITTLE cold. (grey)
5) no more of them (blue)
WAITEG! That's a good verification. I was waitegg to see what the word verification was going to be.
I've been told that hoodies are for hoodlums. It seems like a generalization to me, but I live by a number of generalizations, so adding that one to the mix isn't a difficult step for me to take. Although it will take a back seat to "Everything counts in large amounts." That one is deeply entrenched in my being. Another is "No half measures." Like when I go to the grocery store, for example, I don't buy half a six pack of soda. That's just dumb. And they probably don't let you anymore. I don't even buy a full 6 pack. I buy a 24 pack.
Once I was at Safeway before they built Smith's on top of it. I bought a Seltzer water with flavor of raspberry. I've always been fond of fruit flavors. When I opened the seltzer it exploded all over me. I was disappointed in that result.
Safeway was where Albertson's and then RIdley's currently is. Where Smith's is was houses and maybe an orchard. On eof the houses belonged to a crazy lady and her son. Phillip. He was the only person on the planet with a larger head-body ration than me. And he had a treehouse. His mom liked it when I came over to play. Once I said "Mom, phillips mom wants to have lunch with you." and she responded "not likely"
Everything DOES count in large amounts. That reminds me of the quote "What works good is better than what looks good. Because what works good lasts." That was Ray Eames. He was a designer as well as other things. Logos are kind of like that. I liked the old Gap logo because it worked good, but it's not lasting, I guess. So that kind of goes against the saying I was quoting.
Andre Toet said "F*** design, let's dance."
It's cute how Orem's Historic geography is all muddled in your memory. Safeway was in a shopping complex that consisted of
A) Safeway
B) Coronet - a little department store, kinda like a dollar store now, but stuff was not one dollar.
c) A fabric store that my mother spent hours in and once she worked there for a while. I remember sitting in the car waiting for hours for her to come out of that store. Once Sasha and I decided to honk the horn to indicate the severe amount of appreciation we felt. My mom became very angry with us. It was RN.
I have used fabric before in the sewing of shorts I made for myself. I have made shorts out of blue polka dots, black and white fabrics (one leg black, the other white) and some other ones I forgot about. I would wear them until the backside was threadbare and my underwears were visible through. It was yucky.
Albertson's was Safeway. It had a big S at the entrance as you walked in, which is now the entrance of Albertsons.
They should have left the S and said that it stood for Albertsons backwards. And that would also work for RIdleys.
Smiths and that whole complex is fairly new and cropped up when we were teens. Safeway was there (in the albertsons complex) when I was a tiny child.
Speaking of a tony child, my nephew Tony takes tae kwan do at the place in the smiths parking lot. Once Joel and I were walking to five buck (in the same complex) and took a picture laying down on that no skateboards thing.
I admit that sometimes I forget a little tiny thing that doesnt matter (like my kids birthday), but the ebb and flow of Utah Valley commerce has forever been a fascination and I consider myself an expert.
We should open a one buck pizza next to five buck, Joel.
Proof about the Safeway can be found
You know where Chuck E Cheese is now? That is where Albertson's used to be. Then it moved across the street to the south. The Orem Public Library is now and always has been across the street to the east. Stop thinking otherwise.
It's hard to imagine how Margaret can be shortened to Peg, but if you'll stick with me on this, I think I can blaze the path: Margaret was the nickname given to the lovely young butter-churner who discovered how to make rendered animal fat look like but not so much taste like butter. She named her new product Margarine (soft g) after her own nick name. That's when things got out of control. A young hoodlum became enamored of her and started sending her boot heels to demonstrate his affection. This confused her and soon Margaret's mother reported the unusual behavior to the police department. When the hoodlum discovered this betrayal, he kidnapped Margaret and kept her in a largish bottle. His name was Peg.
Speaking of pathblazing, one time I got lost with you on a hike to Stewart Falls (which is actually up past Sundance). A trail needed to be blazed, since there was none.
Luckily, I had my lantern. Unluckily it ran out of juice. Luckily, I had my adventure Dan hat. Unluckily, that made a very poor lantern subsitute.Luckily, we finally made it to the bottom. Unluckily, the keys fell out of my pocket, Luckily, we found them the next day on our nonexistent trail.
Once my mom left me and my sisters in the sweltering car while she shopped for hours. And when I say once, I mean ONCE. I think I will put it in quotations, like this: "once." She tended to give cra about how much we enjoyed it. We honked the horn many a time, but no one seemed bothered. One time we were so hot and miserable, we decided to put chapstick all over our faces to make us look as sweaty and red-faced as we could, so that she would feel bad. She regretted her actions. And what I mean by that is that she "noticed and cared."
Nowadays you can't leave your kids in your car. One time I tried to run in and get something real quick, and a lady waited for me by the car and yelled at me when I came back. "Time's really are a changin'" I said to myself. "Just like the Safeway and Albertsons."
That was a very lucky/unlucky adventure. Luckily for the helpful student who gave us a ride home, I was covered in caterpillars.
One time my uncle told me that a cat fell from the top of Bridal Veil Falls. When he said that, I thought he meant that a cat had fallen from the top of Bridal Veil Falls. But what he meant was that a caterpillar had fallen. And he wasn't talking about insects. He meant the kind of caterpillar that is heavy machinery. So it's a good thing he phrased it how he did, because it seems he was concerned with getting his point across.
I doubt covering your face in chapstick makes you look very uncomfortable.
I would pay good money to see a constuction machine fall off of Bridal Veil Falls. in fact, I;m going to start a business where I chuck or drive off various things that people request to see fall off the top of there. They input the thing they want to see fall, and I get it and chuck it off.
I'll call my new business Bridal Chucking Veil THings Falls and I dont know if it will be successful.
Do they sell peanut butter in 5 gallon buckets? What's the largest container sold for peanut butter? I want to see that fall from the top of Bridal Veil Falls. Maybe just a dump truck full of peanut butter.
What if someone requests to see a hot air balloon fall from the top of the falls? fully inflated. That would be weird.
That would be SO weird.
Speaking of Robin, if your brother and his friend call you at 1:00 in the morning and say they're trapped at Bridal Veil Falls and your parents are in Ecuador and you're making out with a black guy in the couch, do you:
a) say "excuse me" and go and get your bro
b) say "screw you" and hang up
If your name is Robin, then the correct answer is B. 16-year-old kids can find their own way back (at night(in the canyon)). Hitchhiking, for ejemplo.
Your couch was make-outable. Even better was sitting in your front yard and watching kids walk home from school and clapping the sprinkler on when they walked by to soak them. But investigators would spoil the fun. Stupid investigators. Have you ever been spit on at Lagoon? I haven't.
Are those Vanna White hands or Madonna "Vogue" hands? I can't decide.
What are you talking about?!?
Hello non sequitur. The best was sitting in the hammock in your back yard and eating cherries while you mowed the lawn with that electric mower. I was always a bit jealous that you got to move the extension cord every time you wanted to make another pass across the yard.
The occasional electrocution was worth not putting gas in all the time. I was trying to put gas in my car today, but then when I went to prepay for it, I realized I had given the visa to my lady the night before to get change so we could see the lights at Thanksgiving Point.
They were a little lame, but something to fight back the darkness. The santa said "Oh, Oh, Oh" when you looked at him from behind, so that was nice. And there was a deer that pooped bloody light blobs into a bucket placed strategically under his fanny. I didn't get that. Did he eat radioactive cherries? Did it have something to do with Rudolph?
I really don't understand the beginning to the song "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer." If he's the most famous, then why might we know all 8 normal reindeer but somehow not know Rudolph? I think the real question is "But do you recall an obscure, wandering dog named Orem City?" Sounds like a holiday classic waiting to be born!
Speaking of holiday classics, I remember one year when I requested a stereo for Christmas. I wanted Joel's capability to record tape-to-tape and with a built-in microphone or "mic" if you will.
I filled out the requisite letters and forms to Santa, and told my parents daily how happy I would be with a new stereo. I could record songs off of the radio, make tapes for friends, and even go to the park and break dance!
Christmas morn found me opening my first present, which was a toaster-sized box containing a single-speakered tape player produced in a lawless, backwards country like Libya. I was visibly disappointed. From then on, I referred to it as my STEREO loudly emphasizing the fact that it only possessed one speaker.
Now that I'm a parent, I can see that I was being kind of a dick. I mean, by parents had six kids and were far from well-off. It did provide me with two forms of entertainment:
1) the manual contained some hilarious attempts at the english language
2) taking it apart.
You were a dream come true for parents buying presents for their kids. The dreamiest thing you would do is open your presents early, wear them to school, then go home and wrap them back up. Who knows if that's very cool? Hey, do you remember that enormous boom box that Sasha had? It was difficult not to make fun of that thing. I think it looked something like this. That would come in useful at a funeral, I think.
Now THAT I could break dance to! I remember that stereo having lights that helped you understand audioally where the soundwaves were being converted in the varying signal strengths.
I popped and locked with Phil Rode at the school talent contest in 7nt grade. We danced to "Rockit". I wore a black sleeveless number with a headband. When I look back on that performance it's difficult to balance my emotions between "Extreme Pride" and "Glad to have Done That". After all, we trained for two whole weeks.
The movie Breakin' made me understand how dancing can make you able to telekinetically levitate a broom.
It's like when a police officer told me that war veterans like to set up human traps on the west side of the railroad tracks down by Paul Ream park. It sounded dubious to me then. But now...
War veterans, I've noticed, are constantly up to some form of shenanigans.
Today I saw a license plate of a dude by my house that read, "Vietnam War Vet; and Damn Proud of It!!!" with 3 exclamation points.
Taking care of animals is fine, but what do I care what his occupation was during a war that was a hundred years ago?
Maddie saw a dog's shoulder surgery at the vet's office. That would be weird seeing an animal get people surgery.
Joel, maybe you're right about where Safeway was.
I am right. But more importantly, it used to be Friday the 13th. Not today, but a while ago. The scariest thing that ever happened to me on Friday the 13th is that it happened once on Halloween and a friend burned his finger with a lighter. So that was pretty scary.
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