OMG it is nearly here...
Thanksgiving came and went so quick, and now Christmas is nearing, to anyone wondering, I would like a Gerard Butler with bow included, or Edward OR Jacob, all would be suitable gifts..
22 short days left.....and then it will be sad and gone..
Do you live in the future? What's the weather like there?
No shlebenhoffen I do not live in the future...I only count til the day before Christmas Eve cuz once Christmas eve is her its happy times duh!! So today is 15 days!! O and this morning it was -4 with a heat wave of 7 for todays high, and I am sorry when it is that cold your boobies hurt, just ask anyone with boobs. :)
My boobies are hurt free, thanks.
If I smack u in them then they will hurt!!! lol
This is the Eve of Christmas Eve's Eve!!!!
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