Oh it is in the air, you can smell it in the breezes, it is the smell of fall in the distance. Maybe it is the fact that right now it is only 85 degrees as opposed to 103. And have you noticed the difference in the autumn's 85 and July's? You can always get warmer but when u r hot there is only so much u can remove before getting arrested or offending someone. I love this time of year, I actually love walking down the isle @ walmart in the school supply section, then nastalgia & nausea overwhelm you. I love the cooler nights, and children getting there back to school haircuts, or in girls cases highlights and haircuts. Seeing the moms with tired little ones rushing in the mall to put together their childs school clothes, seeing the chatty pre-teens and the ever so cool teens. The busyness of it all is fun and eye rolling all at the same time. I love school clothes shopping w/ my daughter who is about to embark on 8th grade. Of course when shopping with her it entails many details due to the fact that being a girl has many needs, like 4 different shoes, not including her tenny's wich this year are apparently "PUMA'S", some with a tich of a heel some without, of course u need the "cute" unmentionables, because apparently in the lockers people see "DUH"...I was actually having fun doing these things from getting 2 diff kinds of jackets, a back pack, several jeans, tan & black pants, various capri's, dressy shirts, t-shirts & shirts that go under your shirts, skirts w/ leggings, belts, then there is the jewelry that goes with each outfit & hair accesories. And none of this shopping is the winter apparel, and did I forget to mention the decorative locker accesories? And I think "Holy crappers" did I over do it, especially since I could have purchased a plane ticket flown to New York and stayed at our favorite "Crown Plaza", and gotten Spa treatments for what I spent.......Of course all this spending is entirely Kenya's fault for being so cute...
And maybe it has to do with this time of year it is truly part of my favorite, soon leaves will change and chimney's will permiate the air. Then I think "mercy" for the moms w/multiple children is it as fun for them, or is it frantic, my mom who had 7 children, put us in darling things but said it was both insane and fun, till we got to the teenager stage, then just more hectic... So my friends was school shopping fun for you?? And don't ya love fall????

I love Fall. It is my favorite season. Unfortunately, in my neck of the woods it only lasts about 3 days. Then it's freezing. I hate back to school, though. The summer is not long enough for me. I enjoy having the kids home during the summer and spending time with the family. Is it just me or is summer vacation getting shorter every year?
Summer break is definently getting shorter, but the past few years it is hot til near Oct, then freezin for Halloween, then fall for a 2 weeks tops, then winter, fall def needs to be a bit longer!Fall & Winter me lovey....Cuter clothes!!
Fall is my favorite time of year as well! But it leads to winter, which I hate! I think the kids summers are shorter. I love having the boys home, but they are getting restless and want to go back to school...kind of.
I love fall the most. Haven't gotten into the hectic school shopping yet. Kids are still young enough to enjoy the season. I love the kids going back to school because they seem so much more grounded and excited about all the new things that they learn. It only lasts a few months but until then... We'll watch the leaves change and the feel the nights get cooler. Gosh, I love this time of year.
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