Yes we are back, yes we had fun, yes I am still recovering, and it was 3 weeks ago lol!!!
I want to live in San Diego, or New hampshire similar I know!!
Kenya performed at Midevil Times, Sea World, Universal, Disneyland, Cali Adventure, we shopped, in LA and went to santa monica.....mmmmm bubba gump shrimp is freeking amazing, especially for those of us who are now single, and need a little eye rolling to the back of the head to get us thru LOL!!!
It was amazing and as my babes gets older I am so thankful, I got to share these new moments with her, on a side note In Universal, they do an Aladdin play that is amazing, it truly is like a broadway production, maybe I will post some of those pics??
So I thought I would put just a few pics up :)